
Full A Hidden Life (on macbook)




Runtime: 2H 54 Minute
Audience Score: 10991 Votes
abstract: Based on real events, A Hidden Life is the story of an unsung hero, Bl. Franz Jägerstätter, who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. When the Austrian peasant farmer is faced with the threat of execution for treason, it is his unwavering faith and his love for his wife, Fani, and children that keeps his spirit alive
Genre: War
8,3 / 10
casts: Valerie Pachner
Words cannot express how much I admire this film. It is exceptional. The acting, direction and cinematography are all perfect. To me, the film's most significant accomplishment is the director's ability to convey this tragic yet strangely triumphant story without a shred of indulgent sentimentality. This makes it all the more profound and a truly spiritual experience.

Full ukryte c5 bcycie firmware. Full Ukryte życzenia. Full Ukryte. Full Ukryte życie. Terence Malick has made some unique and wonderful films. This time, I feel he's reached a 'style over substance' moment that can't be overlooked. The story of a conscientious objector during WWII is certainly a workable topic. But this movie seems determined to be another ethereal art piece that's sort of a movie. The narrative is kept simple, not reaching the soulful depths i was expecting. The cinematography is fine but it's not life-changing. I mean, the location is really the star, and the angles and shots are merely relaying a background of beauty; in other words, filming in the Bavarian Alps you tend to get a lot of breathtaking shots. So what you end up getting is three hours of overindulgence in movie-making, and not a satisfying experience. I think Malick's deepest fan base will like it, but objectively, I don't see the greatness in this film, but perhaps great material to debate in a college classroom.


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Columnist: Lennert Roobaert
Biography 19 year old kid from Belgium. Doesn't know shit about movies. Wants to be like Elliott Gould in The Long Goodbye when he grows up.




A Hidden Life
9.5 (91%) 931 votes
A Hidden Life

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